Dengie Hundred Amateur Radio Society (DHARS)

Other clubs local in or around Essex

The DHARS welcome new members, but acknowledge we may not be the most conveniently located club for all. Here are some links to some local clubs in Essex, plus other links related to amateur radio.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS)

Thames Amateur Radio Group (TARG)

Essex Ham - this is a virtual online club only

Essex CW Amateur Radio Club for Morse Code. Members are welcome from anywhere around the world.


Find a local club wherever you are

Find a club at the RSGB club finder


Training resources

Anyone joining our club may benefit for the vast experience of its members,  many of whom  have been licensed for a number of decades and so have gained experience covering a wide range of interests.
Many have an interest in the digital modes, some only in SSB, one member in CW. Several members have an electronics degree, and many have worked professionally in electronics and radio, so all your electronics questions can be answered.
We do not run a formal training course but there are plenty of online resources for training some of which are:

Ham Train

Thames Amateur Radio Group (TARG) training

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) training